Tania Green’s Landmark Finish!

On the 1st of August our kind supporter, Tania Green took part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon in memory of her dear friend, Elaine.

Tania trained for the event through a mixture of short and long runs. As the weather got hotter, this included the dreaded 6am start, to try and keep cool. She tells us she was not a natural runner but could shuffle well! That was soon to change with an impending 21km to conquer.

Race day started well for Tania but unfortunately, at the half way mark she began to struggle. Thanks to the support of her family and friends, she managed to persevere and finish the run. She received lovely messages of encouragement from Elaine’s family, which helped her keep going. She tells us “I can’t explain how that helped, Elaine went through so much more, so I just kept that in mind.”

We cannot thank Tania enough for this incredible effort and for raising the fabulous total of £1,386 for the Hospice.

The London Landmarks Half Marathon, takes runners on a tour through the city of London and Westminster. Runners pass famous landmarks such as St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge and The Shard. If you are interested in this event or perhaps taking on your own challenge, please contact our Community Fundraiser Tamsin. Email Tamsin@salisburyhospicecharity.org.uk or call 01722 416353.

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